Mian Raza Rabbani born on 23rd July 1953 has been one of the most effective politician in terms of producing concrete results to strengthen democracy and democratic institutions.
Opinions of public intellectuals about Mian Raza Rabbani reflect how he will be remembered in history. Read the opinions of I A Rehman, Salima Hashmi, Ziauddin Yusoufzai, Kamal Siddiqui and many others.
Know the living legend Mian Raza Rabbani more. Watch videos that reveal more aspects of his life.
Raza Rabbani An Inspiration for Youth
A film about the life of Raza Rabbani. It has some precious footage of Raza Rabbani’s first school, opinions of some important people about him and his own comments on his youth. It gives you glimpses of his life.
Do Watch!
In The News.
‘Teaching students about Ranjeet or Bhagat Singh would not harm Pakistan’
EXPRESS TRIBUNE 17th Sept 2011 Rabbani blasts centrists, establishment for trying to undo devolution. PHOTO: EXPRESS/FILE ISLAMABAD: Teaching students about Ranjeet or Bhagat Singh would not harm Pakistan in any way. A distorted version of history [...]